4,286 reviews13k followers
In a story full of lessons surrounding taking responsibility, Lily and Blue Kangaroo have numerous adventures that end in something going wrong. Rather than owning up to her actions, Lily is happy to point the finger at her favourite friend and stuffy. Eventually, things get out of control and Lily loses Blue Kangaroo, who is banished to a bookshelf for his actions. It is a painful lesson, but someone is going to have to face to consequences and apologise to Mum. Neo loved that he could relate to this story, pointing fingers at others but learning of the importance that comes with being responsible for his own actions. A cute series that Neo is happy we found.
- children-s read-with-neo
2,802 reviews60 followers
I'll admit that I didn't love this book. The characters are cute enough, especially the blue kangaroo. But Lily's behavior is out of control. As a teacher librarian I was shocked at the dangerous activities that her family let her get away with, at least at first. She's showing off for her toy kangaroo, and of course, young children don't usually think about how risky things can be, so the behavior isn't too unusual. And Lily's actions do eventually have consequences (she loses Blue Kangaroo and her mother won't let her have him back until she adjusts her behavior). Although I've worked with children long enough to know that behavior like Lily's isn't likely to change as completely as it does here no matter what the incentive is. The story and illustrations are cute, but I was not a big fan of the story.
- picture-books
91 reviews
i have never not known this book! my mum would read it to me every night before i could even process or begin to understand the words. it became my blanket, the one thing i took everywhere and was obsessed with. i was a mischievous child myself, and so the actions of Lily i could often relate to! whilst i understand the critics who complain about the terrible things she did giving children ideas, still it will forever be one of my favourite books (perhaps i’m biased because i’ve always thought it never had an negativity associated with it) but i do understand why it could be bad for kids. But it still does send a positive message and encourages kids that bad actions do end in consequences and for a kid like me who was attached to this book, my parent taking it away from me would stop all the bad behaviour (well, for a while at least) and it was almost the book playing out in real life, which was pretty cool. So, i will read this to my kids like my mum did with me and my brother.
445 reviews20 followers
This was a really cute story and has a great message for young children. Anytime Lily gets in trouble she blames it on her toy stuffed blue kangaroo! She always is blaming someone else and never will admit to her wrongdoings. Finally, Lily’s mom decides she has had enough, so when Lily continues to blame the kangaroo (who did nothing), mom decides to take away blue kangaroo to punish him. When Lily has to spend the night without her favorite stuffed animal, she regrets blaming kangaroo and learns her lesson! That was a great idea to take away the kangaroo and go along with the play! Because of course Lily knew what she was doing but wouldn’t own up to her mistakes either way, so when her favorite toy is taken away because “it was being bad” Lily gets a little taste of her own medicine! That’s one smart mom is all I could think when I read this story. A great story for naughty children or children with a beloved stuffed animal! The illustrations were really cute too!
- childrens-books
Mrs Mommy Booknerd
2,161 reviews90 followers
I thought this book was a good example of how actions have consequences. There is a lot that kids do that goes against what they are told to do, sometimes everything turns out fine and other times kids get hurt. I enjoyed that Lily was a bold and daring girl, but some of her reckless behaviors could have had some major consequences. This is a great book to open up dialogue with children about how to be both bold and daring, while still being safe and respectful!
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Lynn Davidson
6,762 reviews32 followers
What a sweet story.
Lily had her very own kangaroo named Blue Kangaroo - because he was blue. Whenever Lily got into trouble of some kind she would pin the blame on him, saying, "It was you, Blue Kangaroo!" He would quietly take the blame. One day her mother took the kangaroo away and set him up high so Lily would think about her mischief making. Lily cried, and Blue Kangaroo came up with an idea to make things better. Lovely ending. Beautifully illustrated.
- picture-book reviewed
Eva Cox
28 reviews1 follower
This is such an up-beat and funny picture book with colourful illustrations and a perhaps largely relatable storyline for little children. I believe this book really emphasises the moral importance of children telling the truth alongside the light-hearted emphasis of a child's relationship with their teddy.
759 reviews16 followers
I don't like how Lily blamed everything on Blue Kangaroo, but I did find it amusing how Lily's mother acted like Blue Kangaroo was the one who was in trouble when Lily was naughty or made a mess of things.
- 3-stars animals children-s
11k reviews107 followers
Lily is quite a little hellion in this story. Every time she does something bad/destructive, she blames her toy kangaroo. Mother uses some reverse psychology and Lily learns that blaming others for our bad behavior isn't the solution.
Christine Meunier
Author61 books49 followers
The kids enjoyed reading it; a cute tale.
- 1000-kids-by-4-18-100 2019 benaiah-1000-2023
معصومه توکلی
Author2 books254 followers
عنوان ترجمه فارسی: کار تو بود کانگوروی آبی!
- داستان-تصویری داستان-کودک کتابخانه-حسینیه-ارشاد
Sarah Alley
40 reviews2 followers
We love Blue Kangaroo and may need to buy these books for our home collection. A perfect story for toddlers! Adorable illustrations.
Jala Collins
26 reviews
Text-to-Teach Connection How often do children get into trouble and blame it onto other? In fact, many adults do the same. I think that this book is a good book to teaches the importance of taking responsibility of what you do and facing the consequences. They will eventually catch up to you! I think this is a good book to open a discussion about things the children may remember doing wrong and blamed on others. "Was it the right thing to do?" "What would have been the best thing to do?" "How did this make others feel?" Are some of the discussion questions I would ask. After the discussion, perhaps have them draw a picture or write a letter of apology to the person that they offended as the "kangaroo" did in the story.
- educ-378-spring
Lauren Jackson
93 reviews1 follower
I enjoyed reading this story to my fist grade placement they were able to relate to the stroy when they blamed others for things that they did. I had my students write a letter apologizing to their younger siblings about a time that they blamed them for something they did. This book is great for all ages.
- la-books
The Brothers
4,118 reviews24 followers
Asher's favorite of the Lily and Blue Kangaroo series. In this story Lily perpetrates one naughty thing after another and blames it all on Blue Kangaroo until her mother takes him away. Asher had me drawing the kangaroo picture that Blue Kangroo drew as an apology for weeks after reading this book. Sweet, endearing illustrations.
- blame friendship imagination
1,280 reviews30 followers
A sweet little story about a girl who blames her decisions and behavior on her stuffed blue kangaroo. Would maybe be a good story for those learning to take responsibility for their own actions. Lovely illustrations.
- apologies behavior copyright-2001
Lesley Looper
2,221 reviews68 followers
Pretty cute story about a little girl and her toy kangaroo, with especially cute illustrations!
- 2010 childrens-books picture-books